By Vicki Nix “
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is high above rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10 KJV) I remember as a young wife studying in our young couple’s Sunday-school class about this perfect wife described in the bible, and hating every minute of it because it made me feel so inadequate. Can’t you just imagine the lively discussion that erupted among our female newlyweds? The bar is set way too high for our reality today--that’s ridiculous standards! By the way, where is the chapter that describes the “virtuous husband”? Of course, this fictional woman/wife in Proverbs 31 was intended to be a role model, an example to imitate, qualities of character to aspire to that fit in with the individual plan that God has for each of our lives. Today, looking back on those years, I can laugh and also admit that I wish I had followed more of those words of wisdom from King Solomon. This “
wife of noble character,” as the NIV coins her, is a wonderful example of what we may call the whole package today. I have yet to meet such a person that fulfills all of the qualities described in Proverbs 31:10-31; although I have read about those whose achievements were great and Christian walk nearly flawless. In the American political world, Governor Sarah Palin is our best example of a virtuous woman and comes closer than anyone else has thus far in being the whole package of what the USA needs in a president today. Just why do I believe that? Because:
Ready for First Family Status America, now, more than ever before, needs good Judeo-Christian core-family-values- oriented role models in their political leaders. Sarah is a loving wife and mother and maintains a warm and close relationship to her extended family as well. I’m not saying they are perfect, but the Palins, like many other American Christian families, have learned from their mistakes, and grown through tribulation to rely on wisdom from above. We are always a work in progress from the Lord’s viewpoint. With all of Sarah’s political endeavors over the years, the Palins have been living in a fish bowl for a long time and have endured intensive trials and testing. But they have come out shining as a hard-working, enjoyable, and loving family with a strong commitment to the Lord, to one another and to those they serve. The Palins have shown us how to overcome some pretty tough family challenges besides the political involvement and all it entails: a controversial teenage pregnancy has produced Tripp, a beloved first grandchild and given his mother the opportunity to be an advocate for important teen causes. Trig, the Palin’s mid-life baby with Down syndrome has become the sweet, innocent, and treasured son they all adore, and he has brought much-needed attention to other families also coping with a child born with that extra chromosome. They are a family that believes in cherishing life and living it to its fullest. In spite of what some in the media have tried to make tabloid fodder of, the truth is that the Palins are one classy bunch; somewhat in the style of that fictional Brady kind of TV sit-com legend—they are so engaging and fascinating to watch. Sarah is quite capable, and as that old Gillette commercial coined, she can “bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan.” (Or should we say caribou instead of bacon?) Sarah and Todd are true marital partners in providing for and leading their family--Sarah is a prime example of “never, never, letting him forget that he is a man”! The extremely-masculine and accomplished Todd is also the whole package as a husband, father, family provider, entrepreneur and athletic champion. Admirably, in spite of all of their accomplishments and fame, the Palins are still very down-to-earth people.
Uniquely-Experienced Government Executive Sarah Palin has a true servant’s heart and simply saw a need and decided to fill it. She has worked her way up from the grassroots by serving in various capacities—from PTO volunteer to city council, mayor, state energy commissioner, governor, 2008 candidate for vice president, and now, hopefully, 2012 candidate for POTUS.
Conservative/Commonsense/Constitutional Stance on Issues Sarah Palin is pro-life. In fact, she is pro-“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and the entire Bill of Rights/Constitution. She believes marriage should stay defined as between one woman and one man; but also believes that no American should be discriminated against and even used her veto power as Governor to prove this. She is for a small and limited federal government, state and local government rights, and fiscally responsible budgeting for government at all levels. She is for a strong military defense for our homeland as well as for our allies, especially Israel. She is for America staying a free-enterprise capitalistic system that rewards individual accomplishments that in turn motivate and energize our economy to grow. Palin is for strong border control, energy independence, and maintaining our American exceptionalism. Legend in Her Own Time Very few people are so accomplished that they are referred to as a “legend in their own time,” but Governor Sarah Palin certainly deserves this designation. She made political history by becoming the first woman Governor of Alaska, and also by being the first republican woman to receive the nomination for Vice President of the United States. Her crowning achievement while governor was the AGIA (Alaska Inducement Gasline Act). She has excelled at energy independence and development strategies in North America like no other governor in history. Some people may call her our modern-day Joan of Arc or our Esther, and I wholeheartedly agree; but I also believe Governor Sarah Palin is the whole package America needs for its Commander in Chief. As a bonus, she is attractive in appearance, personality, and character; but Proverbs 31:30-31(NIV) says it best: “
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”
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