Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gov. Palin Secures Restraining Order Against Deranged Stalker

Governor Palin has secured a new temporary restraining order against Shawn Christy, the 19-year-old deranged stalker who has been harassing and threatening the Palins and Kristan Cole, and who has made threats against Obama and Senator John McCain, according to widespread media reports. The current order extends two prior ones that were in effect for six months and 20 days respectively.

Gov. Palin will testify in court later this month that Christy threatened to rape one of her daughters - most likely Willow - and request that the restraining order be made permanent.

Christy's stalking included vulgar calls to Gov. Palin's home; sending the Palins receipts from a gun purchase and telling them of his intent to purchase a one-way ticket to Alaska. Christy in fact made a brief round trip to and from Anchorage at a cost of $700. Long-time staffer and friend Kristan Cole was also subjected to Christy's stalking habits and was granted restraining orders barring him from contacting her.

H/T Josh Painter, Texas 4 Sarah Palin for story lead.

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